In many ways, being a food writer is easy. Food writers risk little and enjoy a position over those who offer their work and themselves up to the food writers’ judgement. Being a Food Writer does not mean that you always need to write good things about the cuisine that they’ve tasted or the fancy hotel accommodation that food writers are privileged enough to have. While Food Writers can’t be either black or white when they’re writing, there comes a time where Food Writers risk themselves and that is when they acknowledge and defend what’s new.

The world that we live in is harsh when it comes to stuff that are new and this is true in all aspects whether it’s about an entirely unique cuisine, a new vacation spot or a new way to brush your teeth. In this regard, the only time food writers risk anything in their field is when they start defending new things in their niche. Food writers are accountable to what they say in their reviews, people depend on these reviews as some sort of a go signal before they actually book their passports for a vacation to that hotel that a food writer gave an excellent review of. If food writers say that Vacation Spot A is extremely accommodating, meticulous and serves great food, people will expect such from Vacation Spot A. In case that a Food Writer wrote a negative review, the reverse will prove to be true, Food Writers are accountable in a sense that they can greatly affect an individual or an organization for better or worse.

Your pastime of writing focused on food, its history and culture, has the potential of being something greater than your usual nine to five jobs and the good part about it is, you still get to keep the fun when it was still just a mere pastime!

The first good thing about being a food writer is the opportunity to get rich with tons and tons of experiences from all the travelling that you’re gonna go on across the globe. Your trips as a food writer may possibly be free-of-charge, if you get to a point where you’ve managed to market and associated yourself with those big publishing companies.

Food writers somewhat live in the fast lane so to speak due to the fact they constantly travel and get to experience good food in a weekly basis. This kind of lifestyle may seem like a dream but is 100% plausible, if you work hard enough on your chosen niche as a food writer and with a little luck, you’ll be able to carve your name into the history books as one of the most famous and credible food writers who ever lived!

Let’s dip into how to actually turn your pastime of writing into becoming a privileged food writer. Turning your pastime of writing and becoming a food writer is not an overnight process, before your work can get noticed by a single individual, it will take some, a lot of practice and commitment from your end

Marketing yourself constantly through scheduled publishing

As a writer, you should have a schedule of when to publish your articles for people to look forward to. You can’t write one article for the month of january and then decide to not write any for the month february. By creating a schedule of when to publish your work, you’re similar to that of a television show that you’ve eagerly waited on to watch back when you were a kid. People will then hear from you constantly and then this reciprocates to you having your own community of online followers.

Writing around your forte

Let’s focus on another thing important to Food Writing which is finding a niche. Let’s say if you’re knowledgeable in cuisines or wine, you should focus on writing about those. If you’re really into writing the history of places and culture, then focus on writing your articles on that. To get your articles to be noticed more constantly by people, you need to be really specific and within your field of expertise. Playing around what you’re good at is what’s gonna keep you into the game because you’ve familliarized yourself to a specific niche to the point that you don’t have a hard time producing quality output. While this isn’t bad, if you have the time to learn something new and fresh, do so in order for you to expand your skill set.

Headlines and Thumbnails matter

Earlier I told you that in order for you to become a really successful food writer you need to be unique, this goes for your articles as well. The field that you’re trying to claw your way into is jam-packed with a lot of people who also aspire to become food writers. There is no right or wrong when it comes to writing and while there are standards present in writing, it wouldn’t hurt to try experimenting in terms of the way you write your articles to entice your readers better. You need to make your headlines catchy. Nowadays people are more visual, everyone is simply so busy that they don’t have time to aimlessly stare in the monitor for an article that fails to interest them. The headline is the first thing readers will read, you need to give it your all so that your headlines are appealing, different and interesting to constantly draw in attention from your readers. Pictures also has a large impact when it comes to people actually reading your articles. A meticulously edited picture with memes on it never fails to get a click, this can be a thumbnail or an actual picture in the article. Keep yourself up to date with the trends and having the ability to edit photos is also a great feat if you’re aspiring to level up your pastime of writing.

While everything that I’ve said may seem to be tiresome work, don’t let it overwhelm the fun that writing brings. Enjoy and immerse yourself with the craft of food writing and the perks that comes with it will naturally come to you.